Aathman Tharmasanthiran

Email: atharmas@purdue.edu

I am actively seeking internship opportunities for Summer 2024. I am an experienced AI/ML Engineer and Researcher with proven track record in developing and deploying highly scalable production grade ML applications and conducting cutting edge research using state-of-the-art models. My interest lies in anything to do with Machine Learning preferably in Generative AI, Robot Navigation, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Reinforcement Learning, and Artificial Intelligence.

Currently, I am pursuing my Master’s degree in Computer Science at Purdue University. My ongoing research is centered around developing a highly efficient and scalable long horizon planner for a multi robot system where the robots are assigned to move multiple objects to a required goal arrangement taking into account the sequence in which they have to be moved.
Resume   |   CV   |   MORE ABOUT MYSELF!


  • September 2023: Joined CoRAL Lab (Cognitive Robot Autonomy & Learning Lab) at Purdue University as a Graduate Student Researcher
  • August 2023: Started my Masters in Computer Science at Purdue University.
  • April 2021: Started my first job as Software Engineer-Machine Learning at WSO2 LLC, Sri Lanka (Branch of WSO2 headquarter located at Santa Clara, CA, USA)
  • September 2021: Our paper Minority Resampling Boosted Unsupervised Learning with Hyperdimensional Computing for Threat Detection at the Edge of Internet of Things to IEEE Access vol. 9
  • July 2021: Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka with a first class in BSc.(Hons.) in Computer Science and Engineering.