
Email: atharmas [AT] purdue [DOT] edu

I am currently looking for internship opportunities for Summer 2024. I am interested in anything to do with Machine Learning preferably in Generative AI, Robot Navigation, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Reinforcement Learning, general Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence.

I am Aathman Tharmasanthiran, a Masters student at Purdue CS, working with Prof. A. H. Qureshi. I am broadly interested in many aspects of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning especially its applications in Generative AI, Robotics and Multi agent systems, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing and Reinforcement Learning . My current research focuses on a highly efficient and scalable long horizon planner for a multi robot system where the robots are assigned to move multiple objects to a required goal arrangement taking into account the order in which they have to be moved.

I received my Honors Degree of Bachelor of Science Honors in Engineering (B.Sc.(Hons.) in Engineering) specializing in Computer Science and Engineering from University of Moratuwa, where I completed my thesis on Multi-Aspect Deep Learning approach for Human Affect and Behaviour based Threat Prediction and Video surveillance under the supervision of Prof. Damminda Alakahoon, Dr. Daswin de Silva, Dr. Rashmika Nawaratne and Mrs.Vishaka Nanayakkara.

During my undergrad, I did an internship at WSO2 LLC, Sri Lanka (Branch of WSO2 headquarter located at Santa Clara, CA, USA) as a Research Intern working on the automatic tuning of thread pool sizes of Ballerina microservices by taking into account the real-time load configurations and feeding them into a Gaussian Process Bayesian optimization model improving the 99 percentile latencies of those microservices in realtime. This research had the potential of improving the performance of microservices that are deployed in production giving a drastic improvement in the overall performance of the system approximately upto 26%.

Upon graduation, before starting my graduate studies, I worked as a Software Engineer at WSO2 LLC, Sri Lanka (Branch of WSO2 headquarter located at Santa Clara, CA, USA) where I researched, developed and maintained multiple AI applications for a product of WSO2 called Choreo.



Service Letter (WSO2 LLC)    


  • September 2023: Joined CoRAL Lab (Cognitive Robot Autonomy & Learning Lab) at Purdue University as a Graduate Student Researcher
  • August 2023: Started my Masters in Computer Science at Purdue University.
  • April 2021: Started my first job as Software Engineer-Machine Learning at WSO2 LLC, Sri Lanka (Branch of WSO2 headquarter located at Santa Clara, CA, USA)
  • September 2021: Our paper Minority Resampling Boosted Unsupervised Learning with Hyperdimensional Computing for Threat Detection at the Edge of Internet of Things to IEEE Access vol. 9
  • July 2021: Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka with a first class in BSc.(Hons.) in Computer Science and Engineering.